Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair 2023


In the cavernous space of a former munitions factory in South-East London, is Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair. A salon hang, prints smother the temporary walls, and so it felt necessary later that afternoon to browse the print fair’s online showcase, to appreciate works which had been installed higher up, or overwhelmed by their neighbours.

The space is organised into booths occupied by galleries, art dealers and print workshops, such as East London Print, presenting particularly interesting work, and booths dedicated to ‘Curated Hangs’, showing work submitted by individual printmakers to WCPF23’s international open call. These cornucopias of printmaking show an extensive range of techniques and styles.

Tickets to the fair cost from £12 (concessionary rate). A bustling event, there is an optimistic atmosphere, as one is led to ponder the social connections which may arise from such a largescale intermingling of artists.


P.S. Attending the fair led us to connect with the artist Scott Baxter, whose bold and enigmatic prints are now featured in our gallery. It was well worth the visit.

The images included here are some highlights as they were shared live to Print Prerogative’s Instagram stories.


Towner Eastbourne: Grayson Perry, ‘Map of Nowhere’, 2008, and Barbara Walker, ‘Burden of Proof’ 2022


David Jones: The Stanley and Jacqueline Honeyman bequest at British Museum Prints and Drawings