Stewart Russell

Artist Stewart Russell photographed in gallery

“My artistic journey delves into the profound interplay between psychoanalysis, alchemy, and the self, crafting a narrative that transcends the confines of the visible world. Through my work, I explore the hidden recesses of the human psyche, seeking to unveil the intricate layers that define our existence. Just as alchemists sought to transmute base materials into gold, I aim to transmute the raw emotions and experiences of the self into the golden essence of enlightenment and self-realisation. Psychoanalysis serves as my guiding compass, enabling me to plumb the depths of the subconscious, excavating the buried symbols and archetypes that shape our perceptions and behaviours. My art becomes a canvas for these revelations, a portal into the subconscious mind, where viewers can confront their own inner complexities. The alchemical process, with its transformative rituals and spiritual significance, resonates deeply with my creative process. I distil the essence of the human experience, merging it with the alchemical quest for spiritual elevation. My art becomes the alchemical vessel, catalysing the fusion of personal growth and universal wisdom. Ultimately, my art practice is a quest for self-discovery, an exploration of the labyrinthine corridors of the mind, guided by the torches of psychoanalysis and alchemy. It's an invitation to journey alongside me, a pilgrimage to the core of our being, where the alchemy of self-awareness and the enigma of our subconscious converge, creating a tapestry of transcendent understanding.” - Stewart Russell

Stewart Russell is dedicated to unravelling the complex connection between self and the enigmatic realm of psychoanalysis through the transformative medium of cyanotype. Russell’s art delves deep into the human psyche, drawing inspiration from ancient alchemical theories that underlie the journey of self-discovery and transformation. His journey with formal art education began at the Glasgow School of Art, where he honed his craft and developed a deep appreciation for the avant-garde. Surrealist artist Man Ray, with his exploration of the subconscious and dreamlike imagery, became a significant influence on his work. Cyanotype, not chosen arbitrarily but intrinsically alchemical, embodies his process. It intertwines light, chemistry, and time to craft vibrant blue prints, echoing the alchemical "solve et coagula" principle – disassembling and reassembling elements for higher existence. Cyanotype symbolises the human experience, wherein we deconstruct and rebuild identities, continually evolving in our pursuit of self-understanding.

Shadow Self

by Stewart Russell.

Cyanotype and acrylic ink,

Handmade watercolour paper,

21 x 29.7cm,

One-off print,
